Saturday, January 26, 2013

Water, Water, Everywhere!

The 3rd graders have started their investigations about water. So far we've tested the way water reacts on certain materials, discovered surface tension, and tested water drops on slopes. Ask your child about what he/she's learned so far!

Kayla, Sophie, and Tessa see how many drops they can fit on a penny.

Contessa, Wyatt, Ana, and Chase are counting their drops as well.

Polar Express

We started off the month of January finishing up our learning centers based on the book Polar Express. The students had a wonderful time planning their trip from Schleswig to the North Pole, writing about their own magical train ride, learning about the author Chris VanAllsburg, performing a readers' theater of the story, and many more! Take a look at some of what we did!
Jordan and Chase write what they think should be the first gift of Christmas.

Taylor and Wyatt describe their magical midnight train rides.

Delaney plans her trip to the North Pole!

Sophie builds her candy train.

Contessa and Lillian learn about the author.

Tessa and Ana think about what types of transportation they can use to get to the North Pole.
Katie shows off her train!

New Classmates!

We welcomed two new students January 7th. Meet Chase and Westley!